academic books 意味

発音を聞く:   academic booksの例文
  • 学術書{がくじゅつしょ}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. though the tentacles are generally referred to as legs , they are often expressed as arms in academic books (as is the case in english ).
    一般には足と呼ばれるが、学術書などでは腕と表現されることが多い(英語でも arm (腕)と呼ぶ)。
  2. he was invited from bakufu to become the translator of astronomical observatory at his age of 47 and was engaged in translating western books (western academic books .)
  3. under such environment , chosyuku translated many academic books related to the internal medicine of western medicine and opened the hospital as western physician for the first time in japan .
  4. " bankoku koho " was brought to japan soon after its publication because japan paid full attention to the translations of academic books on western studies in china as the source of international information .
  5. the library is , in terms of both quantity and quality , one of the leading facilities for the study of the humanities in japan , exhibiting important domestic and foreign books that have been collected over many years; today it continues to collect and exhibit academic books and important works in various subject fields .


        academic:     academic adj. 学問の. 【副詞】 It is a purely academic question without practical ramifications. それは実用的な派生物を生みだすことのない純粋に学問上の問題だ That question is purely academic. その問題は純粋に学問に関わることだ.
        at the books:    《be ~》勉強{べんきょう}している
        books:    books 書物 しょもつ 典籍 てんせき 双紙 そうし 図書 としょ
        on the books:    《be ~》名簿{めいぼ}にのっている、登録{とうろく}されている I called all the students who are on the books to make sure of their present addresses. 私は現住所を確認するため、名簿の学生全員に電話した。
        on the books of:    ~の帳簿の上で
        (academic) excellence:    (academic) excellence 優等 ゆうとう
        academic ability:    academic ability 学才 がくさい
        academic achievement:    学業成績{がくぎょう せいせき}、学力{がくりょく}、学問的達成{がくもん てき たっせい}、学力達成度{がくりょく たっせい ど}
        academic achievements:    学問的業績{がくもんてき ぎょうせき}、学力{がくりょく}
        academic activity:    研究活動{けんきゅう かつどう}
        academic affairs:    学務{がくむ}
        academic argument:    学問的{がくもんてき}な議論{ぎろん}
        academic art:    アカデミー芸術{げいじゅつ}
        academic autonomy:    学の独立{どくりつ}
        academic background:    academic background 学歴 がくれき


  1. "academic autonomy" 意味
  2. "academic background" 意味
  3. "academic background-oriented society" 意味
  4. "academic base" 意味
  5. "academic benefit" 意味
  6. "academic bulletin" 意味
  7. "academic calendar" 意味
  8. "academic capability" 意味
  9. "academic career" 意味
  10. "academic base" 意味
  11. "academic benefit" 意味
  12. "academic bulletin" 意味
  13. "academic calendar" 意味

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