though the tentacles are generally referred to as legs , they are often expressed as arms in academic books (as is the case in english ). 一般には足と呼ばれるが、学術書などでは腕と表現されることが多い(英語でも arm (腕)と呼ぶ)。
he was invited from bakufu to become the translator of astronomical observatory at his age of 47 and was engaged in translating western books (western academic books .) 47歳の時に幕府の招聘を受け天文台訳員となり、蘭書(西洋の学術書)の翻訳に従事した。
under such environment , chosyuku translated many academic books related to the internal medicine of western medicine and opened the hospital as western physician for the first time in japan . そんな中、西洋医学の中から内科の学術書を次々と訳し日本初の西洋内科医として開業。
" bankoku koho " was brought to japan soon after its publication because japan paid full attention to the translations of academic books on western studies in china as the source of international information . 日本は中国における西欧学術書翻訳に対し、国際情報源として非常な注意を払っていたが、『万国公法』が中国で刊行後すぐ日本にもたらされたのもそのためである。
the library is , in terms of both quantity and quality , one of the leading facilities for the study of the humanities in japan , exhibiting important domestic and foreign books that have been collected over many years; today it continues to collect and exhibit academic books and important works in various subject fields . 永年にわたり蓄積された内外の貴重典籍の公開、各専門分野の学術書・重要図書の網羅的な収集・公開が行なわれており、文科系単科大学としては質量ともに国内随一を誇る。